'It was a magnificent mirror, as high as the ceiling, with an ornate gold frame, standing on two clawed feet. There was an inscription carved around the top: Erised stra ehru oyt ube cafru oyt on wohsi.'
— J.K. Rowling, The Mirror of Erised, Harry Potter and Philosopher's Stone
聖誕節的早晨,哈利拆開的禮物之中,還有一件隱形斗篷,且隨附著一封沒有署名的信件。為了尋找尼樂.勒梅 (Nicolas Flamel) 的身分,它十分自然地派上了用場。在夜深人靜的時候,哈利神不知鬼不覺地潛入了圖書館的禁書區內,而後又誤打誤撞地來到一間像似被廢棄的教室,其內佇立著一面高聳華麗的金框落地鏡。

'...Far and wide, the pirates searched until they found a fairy. They chased her, captured her and forced her to lead them to the most magical treasure, the enchanted Mirror of Incanta. Forged by fairy magic in ages past, the mirror had the power to grant three wishes, anything precious to your heart.'
— Tinker Bell and the Lost Treasure, 2009
不幸總是發生在瞬間,如玻璃般易碎的月光石,奇妙仙子致使其成了碎塊。為了向瑪麗仙子 (Fairy Mary) 打探其餘的月光石,奇妙仙子振翅前往童話劇場,然而所問無果,卻在演出中得知了印佳塔鏡的存在。
'Journey due north past Neverland
Till a faraway island is close at hand
When you're alone but not alone
You will find help and an arch of stone
There's one way across the isle's north ridge
But a price must be paid at the old troll bridge
At journey's end, you shall walk the plank
Of the ship that sunk but never sank
And in the hold, amidst gems and gold,
A wish come true awaits, we're told
But beware and be warned, there's a trick to this clue
Wish only good will, or no good will come you
For the treasure you seek you may yet come to rue!'
— The Ancient Chant, Tinker Bell and the Lost Treasure, 2009
奇妙仙子按照古老歌謠中的線索尋得了那把鏡子,但因一時的口誤失去了最後的希望。當她認為再無任何補救的機會時,泰倫斯 (Terence) 前來援助,螢火蟲亮亮 (Blaze) 付與靈感;鏡子也非徒勞之物,鏡把底座的鑽石成為了權杖的耀點。
印佳塔鏡的魔力流傳於仙子們的傳說,其用法為故事訴說者 (Lyria) 以仙子粉演示。在故事之中,它既作為了劇情的走向,亦凸顯出友情的可貴。